malaysiainisider | ...Datuk Seri Abdullah Badawi must be removed if race relations are to be improved, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed said today.
'Unless and until Datuk Seri Abdullah is removed nothing that the Chinese parties and Umno can do will help improve race relations or resuscitate the BN or improve the government of the country,' he wrote in his blog, adding that blaming Umno will not achieve any of these objectives.
Dr Mahathir, a trenchant critic of his handpicked successor, said the reason for this was because no one is willing to openly criticise Abdullah and instead 'Umno is made the scapegoat.'
He called the handling of Datuk Ahmad Ismail's reported racial remarks an example of Abdullah's missteps in attempting to protect racial harmony.
'Instead of Datuk Seri Najib Razak apologising, Umno should discipline Ahmad. His apology and its rejection by Gerakan simply angered the Malays. At the same time I don't think support for Gerakan and MCA would increase.
'The BN leader should have called the parties concerned and persuade them not to use the race card. But the leader was too scared to face Ahmad Ismail one-to-one. Instead he resorted to the Internal Security Act (ISA) to prove that he is impartial. Now not only the Malays but the Chinese too will become more angry,' he wrote.... selanjutnya.
4 hours ago
Saya mencadangkan Tun Dr. Mahathir menyertai PKR sebagai Penasihat dan DSAI sebaga Presiden PKR. Kalau AAB tidak layan TDM buat apa sua hidung tak mancung dan pipi tersorong-sorong lagi. Lupakan sengketa lama. Ini adalah tipu muslihat Uncle Sam untuk melihat agar kedua genius ini tidak bersatu. Kegeniusan mereka diakui sendiri oleh negara Jews dan mereka amat takuti kedua-dua genius ini. Saya mendoakan agar kedua-dua genius ini bersatu tenaga untuk selamatkan negara kita yang tercinta. Saya percaya jika TDM jadi Penasihat PKR tentu ramai ahli Ameno akan turut serta. Ayuh TDM, tunggu apa lagi join sahaja PKR. Ini akan menjadi berita tergempar di peringkat international. Mari ramai-ramai pakat sign in agar peristiwa besar ini berlaku di bulan mulia ini dan menjadi kenyataan di Malam Lailatulqadar. Peperangan Badar berlaku dalam bulan mulia ini dengan tentera Muslimin yang sedikit tapi dengan pertolongan Allah SWT mereka berjaya. Amin.
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