Jihad Islam: 70 Pemuda Bersiap-siap Goncangkan Israel Dengan Operasi Syahid
dipetik: palestinkini
sern writes " Selasa, 18/12/07 - Gaza: Jurucakap Brigade Al-Quds, sayap ketenteraan Gerakan Jihad Islam, Abu Ahmad berjanji untuk menggerakkan operasi syahid di wilayah Palestin jajahan 1948.
Jihad Islam berjanji akan kembali melancarkan roket-roketnya ke kota-kota bahagian utara Mujdal, ditengah aksi Israel di wilayah Gaza. Jihad Islam telah menyediakan 70 pemuda yang siap siaga untuk mati syahid bagi memerangi tentera Israel ketika mereka memasuki Semenanjung Gaza.
Abu Ahmad menjelaskan hal tersebut hari Jumaat (13/12) di depan para wartawan di Gaza. Beliau mengatakan, Brigade Al-Quds telah mampu mencipta roket tempatan yang menyamai roket Katyusa buatan Rusia.
Abu Ahmad mengatakan, beberapa hari sebelumnya, pihaknya telah melepaskan roket-roketnya ke kota Mujdal yang mengenai sasarannya di sana.
Puluhan roket yang telah dikembangkan telah mampu menjangkau kota Mujdal. Sebuah roket misalnya mampu menjangkau sejauh 22km. Beliau mengisyaratkan, selain pihaknya ada beberapa kumpulan pejuang yang juga telah mampu mengembangkan roket-roket tempatan setanding dengan roket import. Pengembangan kemampuan roket ini adalah atas usahanya sendiri. Kami juga memiliki beberapa roket Katyusa buatan Rusia. Kami mempunyai bahagian khusus yang bertugas mengembangkan persenjataan. Roket-roket sedia ada akan dibuka dan ditiru sehingga mencapai berkemampuan sama bahkan melebihi.
Sehingga kini, telah ada sejumlah roket milik Brigade al-Quds yang dapat menjangkau 12 Km dan cukup untuk memporak-perandakan wilayah Sederot yang terletak di bahagian utara Gaza.
Beberapa hari sebelumnya, sumber berita Israel menyatakan kekhawatirannya jika mereka menyerang Semenanjung Gaza. Mereka takut perkara yang sama berlaku seperti kota Mujdal yang menjadi sasaran roket perjuang Palestin.
Dec 21, 2007
Labels: Berita luar
cilok & ciplak by radenjowo 0 comments
dipetik: keadilanlenggong
Mantan Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Tun Musa Hitam pernah menjadi Perunding kepada kerajaan Maldives, sebuah Negara kecil di lautan Hindi.
Dalam satu temuramah baru-baru ini, beliau bercerita tentang pengalamannya. Ketika itu Maldives sedang menghadapi masalah dalaman dan perasaan anti kerajaan memuncak. Presiden Gayoom tidak berupaya mengatasinya dan mula bersedia untuk mengambil tindakan keras.
Beliau mendapatkan pandangan Tun Musa. Tun berkata, “Mr president, you may try to allow the people to demonstrate without police's intervention. Just let the police to guard against the demonstration and it is best to avoid the demonstrators seeing the police.” (Tuan seharusnya cuba membenarkan rakyat berdemonstrasi tanpa campurtangan pihak polis. Biarkan polis hanya menjaga keselamatan demonstrasi. Sebaiknya elakkan para demonstran dari melihat pihak polis)Prsiden Gayoom terasa amat keberatan. Tun terus menggesa, “Everything might be all right if you let the demonstrators shout for several hours. Just give it a try for once!”
(Semuanya akan beres jika Tuan biarkan demonstran menjerit untuk beberapa jam. Cubalah sekali!)
Presiden Gayoom kemudian menerima cadangan Tun. Pada hari demonstrasi massa tersebut, tidak seorang anggota polis pun kelihatan. Selepas menunjuk perasaan, para demonstran bersurai dengan aman. Semuanya kembali seperti sediakala dan tiada siapa pun ditangkap.
Apabila Tun ditanya samada Malaysia patut membenarkan perhimpunan secara aman, beliau menjawab, “Yes! Come on, we have been independent for 50 years.”
(Yalah! Amboi, kita dah merdeka 50 tahun.)
cilok & ciplak by radenjowo 0 comments
Umi Azlim sudah ditemui di Pusat Tahanan Shantou
Bapa Umi menunjukkan resit merah jambu sebagai bayaran 300 yuan kepada banduan itu selepas lawatan di kem tahanan. (Gambar)
Di China, semua hukuman mati, segera atau ditangguh, disemak semula oleh Mahkamah Agung Rakyat. Hukuman mati dengan diberikan tempoh dua tahun untuk merayu boleh dipinda kepada hukuman penjara seumur hidup dengan berkelakuan baik.
Bapa: Ghairah kerja punca Umi Azlim terpenjara
SHANTOU (Guangdong): Dari luar, Pusat Tahanan Shantou kelihatan seperti penjara lain -- tembok tinggi, tetapi tampak bersih dengan jubin berbentuk empat segi dan barisan kawat besi di atasnya.
Tiupan bayu dari laut berdekatan kadangkala berbaur dengan bau hancing dari kebun sayur yang terdapat di sepanjang jalan sempit menuju ke pintu utama.
Di dalam pusat tahanan itu, banduan akhir No. 221 akan menyambut ulang tahun ke-24 tahun bulan depan, pada 4 Jan.
Untuk tempoh hampir setahun kini, pusat itu telah menjadi tempat tinggal warga Malaysia, Umi Azlim Mohamad Lazim, dari Kelantan yang menjadi tumpuan media kerana menyeludup dadah ke selatan China.
Empat bulan selepas menamatkan pengajian dari Universiti Malaysia Sabah dengan menggenggam segulung ijazah sains biologi, dia meringkuk di penjara di China, ditahan bersama-sama hampir 3kg heroin dalam bagasinya sebaik tiba di lapangan terbang Shantou di selatan Guangdong pada 19 Jan.
Dia bukan merupakan rakyat Malaysia pertama ditahan di luar negara kerana menyeludup dadah. Malahan di Guangdong dan wilayah Fujian yang berjiran, terdapat 37 kes dalam rekod Konsulat Malaysia di Guangzhou.
Namun kesnya telah menonjolkan kemelut wanita Malaysia yang dipergunakan sebagai "pembawa dadah" dengan lebih 30 orang ditahan di luar negara baru-baru ini. |more...|
Labels: Umi Azlim sudah ditemui di Pusat Tahanan Shantou
cilok & ciplak by radenjowo 0 comments
Malaysian protest crackdown may delay poll plan
ANALYSIS-Malaysian protest crackdown may delay poll plan
Fri Dec 21, 2007 3:58am EST
via Reuters
By Clarence Fernandez
KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 21 (Reuters) - Malaysia's recent dramatic crackdown on public protest could force the prime minister to delay plans for an early election next year, after the events embittered the opposition and soured the public mood.
In November, tens of thousands of people turned out for two of Malaysia's largest protests in a decade, dramatically highlighting their unhappiness over Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's glacial implementation of promised reforms.
Last week, when Abdullah jailed without trial five ethnic Indian activists behind one of the protests, he was acting in a political tradition of quickly stifling race-based disputes in a multiracial country, analysts said.
Polls are not due until 2009, but speculation has been rife that Abdullah plans to call a snap election early in 2008 in a move to foil opposition figure Anwar Ibrahim, who is barred by a corruption conviction from running for office until next April.
"I think there will be some sort of delay to the elections, which at this juncture are being discussed in March," said Bridget Welsh, a Malaysia specialist at Johns Hopkins University.
"The arrests are only part of the reason. The key additional factors are the impact of the protests within coalition parties and the public perception of Abdullah's inability to resolve issues through existing channels."
With a record majority and an efficient political machine, Abdullah's ruling coalition runs no danger of being unseated.
But analysts said the crackdown also makes it tougher for him to deliver on promises to fight corruption, reduce inequality and foster wider political engagement, by strengthening the hands of conservative opponents within the coalition that has ruled Malaysia since independence in 1957.
Though mainly peaceful, the rally over ethnic Indians' claims of racial discrimination stirred deep unease in the government, and among many ordinary citizens.
Race and religion are sensitive issues in Malaysia, where politically dominant ethnic Malay Muslims form about 60 percent of a population of roughly 26 million, while the ethnic Indian and Chinese minorities include Hindus, Buddhists and Christians.
In 2001, five people were killed and 37 wounded in riots between ethnic Malays and Indians that began after an Indian kicked over a chair at a Malay wedding. In 1969, hundreds were killed in rioting between Malays and ethnic Chinese.
But public protests are alien to Malaysia's political culture, and November's events are unlikely to trigger fresh violence, political analyst Chandra Muzaffar said.
"If you look at the whole history of this country, it's been relatively peaceful and stable," Muzaffar told Reuters.
"The political culture that has evolved as a result of that stability has got an almost in-built aversion towards demonstrations and disruptions, and the people will not support street demonstrations."
Results of a nationwide opinion poll early in December back that view. Demonstrations were not an acceptable way of voicing one's views, said 52 percent of a group of 861 people questioned by the Merdeka Centre, in the Malaysian capital.
Fifty-nine percent felt that street protests were not an effective way of attaining participants' objectives, 82 percent felt they hurt business activity, 80 percent said they tarnished Malaysia's image and 73 percent said they hit the economy.
The government should use all the legal means it can to stop individuals and groups from threatening racial harmony, 73 percent of the respondents said.
Officials say anyone who threatens law and order will face the same tough laws used to hold the Indian leaders for two years without trial, but Abdullah has said he will consider setting up a special department to tackle the problems of non-Muslims.
His government also plans to set up panels of mediators nationwide, drawn from civil servants and neighbourhood watch officials, to stop race disputes from festering.
"This concern with ethnic relations is the major challenge in this country and it will remain so for ever," Muzaffar said. (Editing by Alex Richardson)
Labels: Malaysian protest crackdown may delay poll plan
cilok & ciplak by radenjowo 0 comments
Can a family man with Salary RM3,000 survive in Malaysia??
via iboleh.multiply.com
Let's do some simple calculations here.
In Malaysia , the average family income is RM3,000 /month
(where father works, mother doesn't).
I understand there are many families whose Monthly income does not reach RM3,000,
But, to make things simple, let's take RM3,000 as the figure. Ok lah, right?
Okay, let's start rolling with a family which has Papa, Mama, 1 daughter and 1 son. Ngam-ngam ....
Calculation starts...
Electricity and water bill: RM100
(No air-con, No home theatre, No water heater ... Ok?)
Phone bill ( Telekom): RM100
Meals for a happy family: RM775
(3 meals on RM25/day, RM25 for 4 persons...?)
Papa makan / the-tarik during working hrs: RM155
(RM5/day, RM5 ... Can eat what?)
Car repayment: RM400
(A proton saga aeroback, 7 yrs repayment)
Petrol (living in city, traffic-jam): RM300
(go to work, bring son to school, Only can afford one car running)
Insurance: RM650
(kids, wife and myself)
House repayment: RM750
(low cost housing repayment for 30 yrs, Retired still have to work to pay!)
Tuition: RM80
(got that cheap meh? I don't think so)
Older children pocket money @ school: RM20
(RM1/day, eat bread?)
School fees: RM30
(enough ah?)
School books and etc: RM100
(always got extra to pay in school)
Younger children milk powder: RM50
(cannot have the DHA, BHA, PHA one, expensive)
Miscellaneous: RM100
(shampoo, rice, sauce, toilet paper)
Oh wait!!! I have to stop here, so...
No Astro,
No movie @ cinema,
No CD,
No online,
Cannot KFC,
Cannot McDonald,
Cannot go Park walk during weekend (petrol expensive),
No chit chat on phone with grandparents, and etc...
Let's use a calculator to total up... WALAO EH! Shit! RM3,610 already...
EPF belum potong, income tax lagi........oledi RM3,610 ....
How to survive lah tuan-tuan Dan puan-puan sekalian ???
Our Deputy Prime Minister asked us to change lifestyle?
How to change? Don't eat? Don't work? Don't send children to school and study?
Besides that, I believe in Malaysia population, there are millions of rakyat Malaysia which still don't earn RM3,000/month!!!
What is this? Inilah Malaysia Boleh... Sorry ... It should be Malaysians Boleh , because we're still alive and kicking!!
Our politicians must be mad!!!!
Please forward and comment boleh or tak boleh. And they wonder why we go to Ah Long. Tolonglah. No wonder so many Ah Loong around lah....
cilok & ciplak by radenjowo 0 comments
Pak Lah lies about abolishing school fees
via lordnirrajim
For example, during the recent 2008 budget speech in Parliament, the prime minister said and I quote, "Mr Speaker, the government has progressively increased the access as well as reduced the cost of education. Last year, the examination fees for PMR, SPM and STPM were abolished. The only remaining fees are the examination fee for Sijil Tinggi Agama
The news that there will be no school fees in
The local media then jumped on the bandwagon, talking about how good this government is because they provide free education in
- The word "yuran" or fees has been dropped and replaced by the words "bayaran tambahan" or additional payments (Refers to Item 6 of the SPI). I quote: "All parents will be required to make payments and not fees for all additional services and facilities provided."
- Item 10 of the SPI says that school heads can apply to impose these charges by submitting a request to the Education Department by Sept 30 every year.
- Item 11 of the SPI says that the Education Department has the right to approve or change the packages if it feels that the package requested by the school's head is not appropriate to the school's environment
- Under Item 16 (16.1, 16.2 and 16.3), parental consent must be obtained via the Parent-Teacher Association committee in choosing the package.
Let us study the SPI 4/1998 which has not been rescinded despite the presence of SPI 13/2007. If we were to compare the "charges" schools have been imposing under SPI 4/1998 with the new SPI 13/2007 for the primary schools, we can conclude the following:
- Only the special fees has been removed, that is the RM4.50 for primary schools and RM9 for secondary schools.
- They have introduced new package charges under co-curricular activities between RM2 to RM5.
- They also increase the charges for internal exam papers from RM5 to RM8.
- School sports day, which was previously not charged for, is now being charged between RM6 to RM10. MSSM fees has now increased from RM0.50 to RM2.
- The other charges remain the same.
What can we conclude about the "free education" as announced by the PM and proudly mentioned at the Unesco event by the education minister recently, based on the facts that is available us?
The following is my analysis:
- The free school fees is merely an election gimmick. I think it was announced without proper studies being done. Perhaps some genius in the government was trying to hoodwink the public.
- The removal of the RM4.50 special school fees as indicated by the SPI 13/2007 was in fact replaced with other charges. Not only was it being replaced, but they have smartly replaced the word "fees" with the word "additional charges".
- The new charges are actually between RM6 to RM21 more than what was charged by the government before the abolishment of the school fees. For schools that opt for package B, parents have to pay an additional RM13.50.
- What was actually dissolved by the government is not the actual fees but the word "fees" that has been replaced with the term "additional payments".
- The role of the PTA is actually as a rubber stamp body whose voice and functions are being curtailed. What is the point of getting the PTA's approval if the Education Department has the right to change what was agreed at the school level (Item 11 of the SPI 13/2007)?
- In the first place, if the Education Ministry via its circular has decided on the rates and the packages, why is there a need for the PTA to get involved? It is merely a tactic to show that parents are involved in the decision-making. I beg to differ, the PTA was made into a rubber stamp and its role is to endorse what the Education Ministry has decided.
I believe most Malaysians are educated enough to understand the need to increase fees. I, for one, has no issue if it was done in an honest way. There is no need to lie for political mileage and for our education minister to go to the UN (Unesco) and lie to the world. This is simply embarrassing. It reflects poorly on us at the international level. It appears that lying is now an acceptable culture.
Pak Lah, please do the right thing. Don't preach one thing and do something else. As for the parents, I feel sorry for all of us as again. Our function is being curtailed by the ministry. Our voice are not important at the school level.
cilok & ciplak by radenjowo 0 comments
Anti ISA: Dataran Merdeka off limits tomorrow
via Malaysiakini
The police will close off public access to Dataran Merdeka beginning tomorrow morning in a bid to foil an illegal assembly scheduled to take place at the historic site tomorrow night.Dang Wangi district police chief ACP Zulkarnain Abdul Rahman told reporters today that road blocks would also be erected as “precautionary measures”.
He also warned the public to steer clear from the area, because the organisers of the planned gathering did not obtain a police permit to do so.
“We will not hesitate to take harsh action against those who are stubborn (and attend the gathering),” said Zulkarnain according to Bernama.
The gathering, organised by Abolish the ISA Movement (GMI), is a candlelight vigil to protest against all detention without trial through the use of the Internal Security Act (ISA).
Civil society groups, including the Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf), were expected to take part in the silent vigil.
Hindraf factor?
GMI coordinator Syed Ibrahim Syed Noh said the group will decide on the next course of action soon.
“This is news to me. I’ll have to discuss the matter with my colleagues first,” he said when contacted.
Hindraf coordinator RS Thanenthiran expressed disappointment with the police decision, adding that the police should respect the public’s right to assemble peacefully.
It is estimated that there are 89 ISA detainees currently being held at the Kamunting Detention Centre. The latest additions to the detention centre are five Hindraf leaders who were detained on Dec 13 under the ISA for national security reasons.
The detention orders, usually for two years, can be renewed at the discretion of the internal security minister.
In recent months, the police have shown little sympathy to street protests by forcibly dispersing the crowd with tear gas and water cannons. Scores of protesters have also been arrested and charged in court for taking part in illegal assembly.
Rujuk :
Bantah ISA, GMI adakan himpunan di Dataran Merdeka malam eso.. Anis Nazri
KUALA LUMPUR, 21 Dis (Hrkh) - Bagi menyatakan bantahan terh..
cilok & ciplak by radenjowo 1 comments
Keluarga 12 anak dihalau Kerajaan Terengganu
dipetik: Buletinonline Ditulis oleh SM Noor | |
Thursday, 20 December 2007 | |
![]() Setiu, 19 Dis – Menjelang Eidul Adha, seorang lagi rakyat bawahan menjadi mangsa kezaliman kerajaan UMNO/BN Terengganu. Shafie Awang, 50, dari Kampung Bahagia Bintang Setiu sudah 35 tahun menduduki sekeping tanah di kawasan Beris Panjang, Mukim Guntung, Setiu, Terengganu. Sepa Shafie dan Patimah membesarkan anak dengan menjalankan usaha menghasilkan arang kayu yang diproses di satu sudut tanah, berhampiran dengan rumah mereka. Shafie hampir berputus asa, setelah berkali-kali memohon tanah tersebut, masih tidak berjaya. Kerajaan UMNO/BN Terengganu yang diterajui oleh Tan Sri Wan Mokhtar tidak melayan permohonan mereka. Apabila PAS mengambilalih tampuk pemerintahan negeri Terengganu pada tahun 1999, PAS telah mengotakan janji dengan membuka permohonan tanah kepada rakyat yang tidak mempunyai tanah. Siti Patimah telah memohon tanah tersebut semasa kerajaan PAS memerintah antara 1999 – 2004. Sebagai sebuah kerajaan yang beramanah, PAS telah meluluskan tanah tersebut kepada keluarga Shafie dan Siti Patimah. Dari hasil pendapatan membuat dan menjual arang kayu, mereka telah membayar RM 3,853.00 kepada pejabat Tanah Setiu sebagai bayaran ‘premium’ kepada tanah seluas 0.9102 hektar itu, setelah kelulusan jadual 5A diperolehi. Namun begitu, menjelang Eidul Adha tahun ini, mereka tidak menyangka bahawa mereka akan menjadi mangsa kezaliman kerajaan UMNO/BN yang diketuai oleh Idris Jusoh. Walaupun tanah tersebut telah diluluskan dan bayaran premium telah dibuat, akibat dendam kesumat kerajaan UMNO/BN kepada kerajaan PAS, kelulusan tanah tersebut dibatalkan tanpa sebarang alas an. Mereka telah menerima surat yang bertarikh 29 November lalu dari pejabat tanah Setiu yang menafikan kelulusan tanah yang telah mereka usahakan selama 35 tahun. Tergamak sebuah kerajaan yang berslogankan ‘Islam Hadhari, Terengganu Bestari’ mengkhianati rakyat sendiri. Bukan sahaja membatalkan kelulusan tanah, malah Siti Patimah diminta hadir ke pejabat Tanah Setiu untuk mengambil semula wang bayaran premium yang telah dijelaskan. Justeru kesah benar diatas menunjukkan ‘bohongnya’ Idris Jusoh yang mengatakan bahawa kerajaan yang di ketuainya adalah ‘mesra rakyat’. Kata-kata manis Idris Jusoh yang mengatakan beliau adalah Menteri Besar kepada semua rakyat, ketika sidang DUN baru-baru ini adalah kata-kata ‘dusta’ semata-mata. Apa tidaknya, Siti Patimah dan Shafie yang tinggal di Kampung Bahagia, Bintang, Setiu adalah mangsa korban (yang entah ke berapa?) kerajaan UMNO/BN Terengganu menjelang hari raya korban 1428H |
cilok & ciplak by radenjowo 0 comments
Samy out of touch with the community
via sarathi-hindraf
The Indian voters, who for long have been loyal to the Barisan Nasional, will shift away from voting for the ruling coalition in the next general election, predicted Opposition Leader Lim Kit Siang.
He also said that the elections will be held in March next year. Constitutionally the prime minister need not call for a national poll until April 2009. Speaking at a forum held in Ipoh yesterday, Lim said that the next general election will be different due to the “awakening of political consciousness among the Malaysian Indians”.“They are an important factor in determining the electoral outcome,” he said.
He added that although there were no single parliamentary or state assembly constituencies where the Indian voters constitute the majority of the electorate and could singly decide on the outcome, Indian voters nevertheless represented over 10 percent of the electorate in 62 parliamentary constituencies and 138 state assembly constituencies.“
In 28 parliamentary and 78 state assembly constituencies in Peninsular Malaysia, the Indian voters are the ‘kingmakers’ as they constitute more than 15 percent of the electorate and exercise as decisive influence as to who wins or loses in the constituency,” he added.Lim also trained his attacks on MIC president S Samy Vellu, whom he said had confirmed that the government had dismissed the community’s legitimate grievances in an RTM interview on Wednesday night.
On the show, he talked about the development and success of the Indian community. Serious denial syndromeSamy’s responses in the interview, Lim charged, showed that the minister had lost touch with the Indian community. Lim further claimed that Samy has a "serious denial syndrome" when he claimed that the government has never neglected the Indians.
According to him, Samy blamed "ineffective delivery system" in dismissing legitimate grievances of the Indians over political, economic, educational, social, cultural and religious marginalisation. Saying that it was a very poor excuse, Lim told that "Samy Vellu cannot run away from the fact that he had been the MIC president and sole Indian cabinet minister for over 28 years”.
In the interview Samy, who is also the works minister, was quoted as saying that he had asked Abdullah to "give a bit more to the Indians".On this issue, Lim asked: "Why is he asking ... as if (he) must beg on behalf of the Indians, when (they) are entitled to ask what should be rightfully theirs?"Samy’s constituency Sungai Siput is one area where the Indian voters make about 22.45 percent.
cilok & ciplak by radenjowo 0 comments
PAS can provide us shelter where Umno has failed
PAS Indian Supporters :'Bridging Earth and Moon'
Kuala Lumpur : “Tonight, we build a bridge that stretches from earth to the moon!” thundered N Gobalakrishnan at the PAS headquarters in Kuala Lumpur.
Gobalakrishnan is the head of the newly formed PAS Indian supporters club, which was unveiled amid much fanfare and fiery speeches last night.
PAS is an Islamic-based opposition party that has always faced obstacles in winning the support of non-Muslims.
But Gobalakrishnan, who also heads the Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) national integration bureau, believes that a new era has dawned.
In his speech, he said the formation of the Indian supporters club is another bridge between PAS and non-Muslims.
No oppressionHe also said the launching of the club signaled the breaking of Barisan Nasional’s (BN) race-based politics and end to the exploitation of the Indian community here.
“PAS can provide us shelter where Umno has failed. PAS (state governments) have never been known to oppress other races,” he said.
Some 50 Indian Malaysians from Selangor, Perak and Kelantan were among the 600 people who packed the hall.
Their presence was bolstered by a small delegation of non-Muslim Chinese who had come to join as members of the PAS Chinese supporters club which was set up last year.
The club - headed by Hu Pang Chow from Kelantan - is said to have 400 members nationwide. Among them is Ng Chee Pang, the 22-year-old independent candidate who contested in the recent Batu Talam by-election in Pahang.
“PAS steady… PAS party baik (good),” said Ng when met at yesterday’s event.
Unfounded fearsEearlier, PAS national solidarity bureau chief Mujahid Yusof Rawa during his speech said multi-racialism was enshrined in the party’s constitution when it spoke of the aim to “foster racial unity in the country.”
He said the success of the Chinese supporters’ club in improving awareness about PAS among the community was reflected in the club’s need to increase its Chinese-language monthly bulletin from 5,000 to 50,000 copies.
PAS will also publish a Tamil-language monthly bulletin to educate the Indian community about the party and its struggles. It is also planning the set-up similar clubs for the Kadazans and Ibans in east Malaysia.
PAS vice-president Mohammad Sabu had the audience in stitches when he spoke derisively of the fears that have been perpetuated by the rivals of PAS to keep non-Muslims from supporting the party.
For example, he said, many Chinese non-Muslims were told that coming under an Islamic party such will lead to the males being forced to undergo circumcision.
“What are they afraid of?” he asked, adding: “Hu (head of the Chinese supporters club) is here to testify that his condition still remains in the original state.”
Meanhwile, businessman Rajandran Batumalai from Batu Caves, Selangor, said he and his friends heard from the Indians in Kelantan about PAS’ equalitarian policies and treatment of non-Muslims.
Rajandran, a former MIC member, said many Indian youths in BN-ruled states were deprived of advancing socially and economically because of racial discrimination
cilok & ciplak by radenjowo 0 comments
Beberapa sebab kenaikan Melampau Harga Barang
dipetik: buletinonline
Selepas diumumkan kenaikan gaji oleh pihak kerajaan harga barang-barang terus naik. Contoh kenaikan barang-barang sebelum dan selepas Mei dan Julai 2007 hingga kini hasil dari tinjauan di beberapa kedai runcit dan maklumat-maklumat tertulis ialah.
Tepung dari RM1.65 (satu kg.) kepada RM2.80,
Susu powder RM10.49 (700 gm.) kepada RM11.89 (dikurangkan 600 gm),
Instant Coffee RM9.99 (bungkus 200gm) kepada RM14.00,
Milo berat sekilo dari RM11.90 kepada RM15.90,
Sardin RM5.00 (425gm.) kepada RM5.49,
Sauce Chilli RM2.09 (500gm.) kepada RM2.39,
Bawang besar RM1.20 sekilo kepada RM2.00,
Bawang kecil RM4.00 kepada RM6.00,
Kacang dal seguni RM20.00 kepada RM 40.00,
Mee RM2.39 (sebungkus 5x80G) kepada RM2.89,
Kordial Orange RM9.19 (840ml.) kepada RM9.69,
Susu UHT RM4.99 kepada RM5.99,
Margerin RM7.99 (1kg.) kepada RM8.99,
Krim kraker RM2.39 (500gm.) kepada RM2.79.
Krimer manis RM1.86 (505gm) kepada RM2.25,
Biskut setin RM7.50 kepada RM9.00
dan Beras wangi RM18.99 (10kg.) kepada RM19.99..
Kenaikan harga barang-barang ini setengahnya membawa kesan berangkai. Misalnya kenaikan harga tepung mengakibatkan kenaikan harga kuih muih yang dibuat dari tepung seperti kenaikan harga roti Gardenia dari RM1.90 sebungkus (400grm) kepada $2.10, kenaikan kuih yang asalnya 3 biji seringgit menjadi RM1.20 dengan saiz yang lebih kecil. |more...|
cilok & ciplak by radenjowo 0 comments
Sebagai rakyat, aku dok tengok dan baca kenyataan yang berbelit belit dari kerajaan dan pemimpin. Nak buat macamana, memang dah jenis macam tu. Cakap banyak pun tak guna, kritik pun mereka tak dengar. Hanya yang mampu tengok sahaja keletah dan karektor masing masing. Kalau aku pun bingung, tak heran lah kalau mereka mereka itu lebih jauh bingung dari aku.
Baca keratan ini,
Syarikat pemaju koridor utamakan pekerja asing akan kena tindakan
KUALA TERENGGANU: Syarikat yang terlibat dalam pembangunan koridor yang gagal menawarkan pekerjaan kepada rakyat tempatan tetapi mengambil pekerja asing boleh dikenakan tindakan, kata Timbalan Menteri Sumber Manusia Datuk Abdul Rahman Bakar.
Dan baca ini pula,
Indonesia Bekal 100,000 Pekerja Untuk Pembangunan WPI
JOHOR BAHARU, 19 Dis (Bernama) -- Indonesia akan membekalkan 100,000 tenaga kerjanya secara berperingkat ke Johor bagi memenuhi keperluan pembangunan Wilayah Pembangunan Iskandar (WPI) sehingga tahun 2020, kata konsul besarnya di Johor, Renvyannis Gazali.
Menurutnya persetujuan tentang penghantaran pekerja republik itu ke Johor itu dibuat berikutan permintaan Menteri Besar Datuk Abdul Ghani Othman untuk menjamin pembangunan di wilayah pembangunan khas itu berjalan lancar.
Diorang faham ke apa yang diorang cakap tu? Dari aku baca berita lebih baik aku tengok cerita kartun. Lebih logik lagi kartun dari berita berita negara ni.
cilok & ciplak by radenjowo 0 comments
Living expenses KL -vs- UK
via littlemeiming.blogspot
I've come across to read a fren's blog and i found it really reflect what's we experiencing now... So TRUE!!!
author: Dr Zain Azrai
"The argument in this thread from day one is the cost of living in each country (especially UK and Europe) based on what you earn in the respective country and whether the standards are higher than in Malaysia.I tried to point out that many Malaysians always convert and that is why they say the UK is expensive. In fact, the cost of living is much cheaper than in Malaysia. In actual fact, Malaysians are being conned because for such a rich and resource rich country, the pay in Malaysia is way too low compared to the cost of living and inflation.One good example is Singapore. Singaporeans (average) earns around S$3000 to S$4000 and nearly everything is half the price of Malaysia. Eg clothes, computer parts, electronics etc. But the average Malaysian still earns M$2000 plus and goods are double the price of Singapore.This is the same as the UK. If you earn around 2000 pounds, you can liken this to the person earning RM$2000 in Malaysia. I give you some examples below. Maybe you can understand.
1 ) Good terrace house - It is more or less the same. If you want a house in KL, it would most probably be in Puchong and not Damansara Heights. So your house would be RM$200,000. In UK, you can get a decent new house in Zone 6 (still within the tube) for 200,000 pounds.If non London, you can get a nice house also for less than 200,000 pounds outside London. The same also applies to buying a house in Seremban, Kajang etc. You can buy a nice house for RM200,000 below.So buying a house is the same for the local and the Malaysian. Renting a place is the same too or maybe cheaper than in Malaysia (I am not sure of this). A 2-bedroom flat inLondon is about 750 pounds (Zone 2). 500 pounds outside Zone 6 but stillable to commute to London. A 2-bedroom house in Nottingham is 450 to 500 pounds. A 3-bedroom house in Belfast is about 300 pounds. |more...|
cilok & ciplak by radenjowo 0 comments
Khir Toyo: I cry for the squatters too ?
Malaysiakini - Selangor Menteri Besar Dr Mohd Khir Toyo said he had done his best in the handling of a series of emotionally-charged demolitions of squatter houses and temples in the state. “I saw the pictures (of the demolitions), I feel very sad. I am in a difficult position - to choose between one family and 10 families. Of course, as a leader, I’ve to choose 10.
“If I adopt the minority view, I am not being fair to everybody. I also cried (for them), but I need to choose,” he told Malaysiakini when asked on the controversies in a 90-minute interview at his office in Shah Alam last week.
The menteri besar, who took office in 2000, added that the state government has provided alternatives to the squatters including better housing scheme and financial assistance before asking them to relocate.
“We take action because we need to develop (the area) and fulfill our promise to the 80 percent (who agreed to move),” he said.
He described the 20 percent who refused to budge as a “minority group influenced by opposition parties”.
Open clashes
A visibly upset Mohd Khir also lamented that the minority group should have given in to the rest and not to “refuse everything” that was offered.
He revealed that even one of his relatives was not spared from eviction.
“In Kampung Rimba Jaya, one of them is my uncle’s son who lived there. He came and see me (to ask for help) but I said ‘no’. The land doesn’t belong to the state, (and) if I don’t settle the issue today, it will come up in future,” the 42-year-politician asserted.
Scenes of brutal confrontation emerged during the two most recent demolitions of squatters in Kampung Berembang near Ampang and Kampung Rimba Jaya in Shah Alam.In both occasions, local authority enforcement officers openly clashed with residents when they forced their way in to the squatter area to demolish the houses - with the aid of tear gas and water cannons - when the residents refused to budge. Dozens of arrests were also made.
Since the demolitions, some of the defiant squatters, including women and children, are living in makeshift tents near their demolished homes.
The spate of squatters demolition done under the name of development is in line with the ‘zero squatter’ policy set by the Selangor state government, which it had targeted to achieve two years ago.
Social activists have criticised the high-handed actions in the demolition of squatter areas. Often the enforcement officers moved in even before the disposal of court cases where the residents had challenged the eviction order.
However, residents in Kampung Berembang - some of whom have lived there since the 1960s - won a minor court victory last week when a high court denied the developer possession of the land and set aside its injunction to prohibit evicted squatters from returning to the area.
Kept changing ‘golf pose’On the demolition of temples in Selangor which has upset the Indian community, Mohd Khir said the state government had to face the intractable issue of temples being built on private or reserved land.
“If it is private land, we always put a condition that the landowner must provide (another piece of) land to relocate the temple. In fact, we force them to give some compensation to the local temple.
“When we discussed (with the local residents), there is often no problem. However, when outsiders come into picture, there is problem - they make the matter worse,” the menteri besar claimed.
Mohd Khir appeared to brush aside the criticism of MIC president and Works Minister S Samy Vellu who was irked by the demolition of a 100-year-old temple in Kampung Rimba Jaya in late October.
“They created the story of 100-, 200-year-old temple, (which is) not true. We know the oldest temple in the state... I don’t know what happened to him (on why Samy Vellu had reacted the way he did) - we demolished the temple only after Deepavali,” he said.
While the local authorities were stopped from demolishing the temple a few days before Deepavali, they however returned to complete the job soon after the Hindus’ most important festival.
Mohd Khir stressed that the state government’s move to demolish the temple was not made abruptly and they had started discussions and negotiations with the local residents for years.
“They kept on changing their ‘golf pose’ - we followed, but still we can’t do much,” he lamented.
‘No big impact’ on BN chances
Nevertheless, Mohd Khir remained optimistic and was of the view that such controversies would not jeopardise the ruling Barisan Nasional’s chances in Selangor in the next general elections due next year.“After we give clear explanation, the people will become more reasonable and accept it. The issue turns into a big issue often due to no clear explanation... We are very caring actually,” he emphasised.
But he hoped voters do not cast their votes emotionally in the polls.
“Sometimes we have to make unpopular decision, but that is the reality that we have to face. We don’t want to be a party that promise yang bukan-bukan (something not workable) but can’t fulfill them after the election.
“The opposition knows they can never be the government so they promised macam-macam (all sort of things). They don’t really have commitment,” he argued.
On Kg Berembang and Kg Rimba Jaya
Those in Rimba Jaya and Berembang are a minority group which is not happy. They are less than 20 percent (of the total residents). We have discussed with them at the initial stage until we reached a decision that the majority are satisfied with, only then we act. These squatters are to be moved to a better place and housing rental is being paid by the developer, state government or local authority until their houses are completed.
But there is a small group not happy because they applied for the land to be given to them or they argued the land was developed by them. We have explained that the land is privately-owned, not government-owned. We have many discussions with everybody. Take Rimba Jaya - we started talking about the issue five years back. Berembang was four years back.
On the temple demolition in Shah Alam
They created the story of 100-, 200-year-old temple, (which is) not true. We know the oldest temple in the state. There are about 810 big temples in Selangor and thousand of small temples. I don’t know what happened to him (MIC president S Samy Vellu who was upset over the demolition). We demolished the temple after Deepavali.
Impact on BN’s chances in general elections
Rakyat has to see the performance of the BN government. We are not simply doing something, we are doing it for our future. Sometimes we have to make unpopular decision, but that is the reality we have to face. We don’t want to be a party that promise yang bukan-bukan but can’t fulfill them after the election. The opposition knows they can never be the government, they promised macam-macam. They don’t really have commitment.
Like (PAS-led) Kelantan. Last time, they said they want to push for hudud law, what happen to that now? We don’t want to be a government that cheat the people. We want to be a government with integrity.
On the Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf)
Hindraf is not something new, it has been moving in Selangor for three, four years. They have the agenda to turn the Malays into their enemy. We see it, it has been there for a long time. They questioned why Islam is higher than other religions when we know Islam is the official religion and it was agreed to during the Independence. They also questioned the bumiputeras’ rights.
Criticisms against his leadership
I already have done my best. If people want to criticise, I can’t say anything. So far, Selangor is doing quite well. We have clear direction. We know what to do for the next five years.
cilok & ciplak by radenjowo 0 comments
Landasan Berkembar: Hentikan kegilaan ini - Kim Quek
Penganugerahan kontrak untuk membina landasan berkembar dari Ipoh kePadang Besar yang bernilai RM 12.5 billion, dijangka akan menjadikan projek ini satu lagi projek pembaziran, yang hanya akan menambah koleksi projek gajah putih dinegara ini.Amat jelas, sekiranya diperhatikan operasi Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad (KTMB) masa ini. Dengan jaringan landasan sepanjang 1,700km yang merentasi segenap pelusuk Semenanjung Malaysia, KTMB hanya memperolehi RM288 juta hasil pengangkutan yang diperolehi pada tahun 2006, melalui sumbangan seperti berikut:
Perkhidmatan antara Bandar RM71 juta
Perkhidmatan komuter dikawasan Kuala Lumpur RM 85 juta
Perkhidmatan kargo RM132 juta
Jumlah RM 288 juta
Menuruti perkiraan kami, jumlah pendapatan melalui pengangkutan seluruh semenanjung berjumlah RM203 juta, tidak termasuk perkhidmatan komuter dikawasan Kuala Lumpur, yang dihasilkan menerusi landasan keretapi sepanjang 1,525 km, (1,700-175). Dengan mengasingkan 30% dari jumlah pendapatan ini kepada sektor Ipoh-Padang Besar (walaupun laluan ini hanyalah 22% daripada jumlah panjang keseluruhan iaitu 1,525 km), pendapatan sepatutnya ialah RM60 juta.
Kita bersetuju, jumlah penggunaan akan meningkat selepas projek ini disiapkan tetapi terdapat had kepada pertambahan. Katakan, pendapatan meningkat 7 kali ganda, pendapatan tahunan masa depan untuk laluan ini berjumlah RM420 juta – cuma 3.3% daripada jumlah pelaburan awal sebanyak RM12.5 billion.
Pendapatan yang begitu rendah kerana penggunaan yang rendah menunjukkan, projek ini tidak akan memberi apa-apa kesan terhadap ekonomi ataupun sektor pengangkutan apabila siap kelak.
Sebaliknya, mari kita berfikir sejenak, apakah makna RM12.5 billion ini kepada rakyat jelata.
Pertama, setiap rakyat dinegara ini terpaksa menanggung beban sebanyak RM2,500.00 seorang. |more...|
cilok & ciplak by radenjowo 0 comments
Recall for Proton Gen2/Satria Neo jacks
December 18, 2007 05:51 PM
Proton has announced a recall of wheel jacks supplied with the Gen2 and Satria Neo after routine tests conducted on a batch of jacks for the models revealed some inconsistencies in the quality of the item which is used to raise the car to replace a puncture tyre (some people actually don’t know that!).
“Proton has time and again stated our commitment towards our customers in terms of product and service quality. Their safety and satisfaction is of paramount importance to us. As such, despite the fact that only selected jacks are affected, Proton is not treating this matter lightly as it involves the safety of our customers. Even though there have been no incidents reported in relation to this, Proton has taken the initiative to recall the jacks and replace them with new ones,” said the company’s Managing Director Dato' Syed Zainal Abidin Syed Mohamed Tahir.
Only models with jacks in bronze and gold-like colours are being recalled and were supplied with the Gen2s since January 2004 and the Satria Neos sold since April 2006. The models with jacks which are blue in colour are said to have no quality issues and therefore do not require replacement.
Owners of the models with the jacks described are requested to bring their jacks and their vehicle registration card to any authorized Proton service branches and selected Proton service dealers for a free replacement. Hopefully Proton will be flexible enough to provide the replacement in the event the registration card cannot be furnished as some banks retain the document using the tenure of the hire-purchase loan.
Owners who are unsure of the status of their jacks or require further clarification can contact Proton i.Care at 1300-880-888.
The recall announcement certainly marks a change at Proton as it has usually avoided making public announcements of this nature, perhaps due to the belief that such recalls would serve to reinforce public belief that Proton quality levels are poor. However, consumers would generally feel more assured that a manufacturer is pro-active in recalling a product because it shows that the manufacturer cares about the safety of its customers.
While critics may choose to use this recall as further evidence of Proton’s poor quality, the company would probably find that it ‘wins points’ with most owners for showing that it too can have some defects in its products and is willing to admit it, unlike in the past when quality issues were dismissed as 'irrelevant' and the management refused to make public recalls (quietly changing defective parts only when owners came in for servicing). After all, if even Toyota’s Lexus division – which boasts the highest quality in the world – acknowledges defects and announces recalls, why should Proton not be willing to do so?
cilok & ciplak by radenjowo 0 comments
Bayaran boleh dikurangkan ikut kemampuan ibu bapa selepas perbincangan dengan PIBG
KUALA TERENGGANU: Kementerian Pelajaran menetapkan tiga kategori bayaran siling yuran tambahan sekolah tahun depan yang dijelaskan mengikut pendapatan keluarga pelajar dengan paras tertinggi bagi sekolah menengah sehingga RM55.50 dan terendah RM33.50, manakala sekolah rendah antara RM38.40 dan RM23.50.
Bagi kategori A, sekolah rendah dan menengah yang mempunyai pelajar dari keluarga berpendapatan tinggi yang majoriti kumpulan peniaga besar dan kumpulan profesional, masing-masing perlu membayar yuran sebanyak RM38.50 dan RM55.50.
Kategori B membabitkan pelajar dari keluarga pendapatan sederhana, peniaga sederhana dan kakitangan awam sokongan membayar yuran siling RM30.50 (sekolah rendah) dan RM44.50 (menengah).
Kategori C, pelajar dari keluarga luar bandar, sekolah kurang murid, sosoiekonomi rendah dan kumpulan peniaga kecil siling yuran ialah RM23.50 (sekolah rendah) dan RM33.50 (menengah).
Ketua Pengarah Pelajaran, Datuk Alimuddin Mohd Dom, berkata harga siling yuran tambahan itu boleh dikurangkan berdasarkan kemampuan ibu bapa dan hasil perbincangan pihak sekolah dengan Persatuan Ibu Bapa dan Guru-Guru (PIBG).
"Kita beri garis panduan harga siling bayaran tambahan itu contohnya untuk MSSM (Majlis Sukan Sekolah-sekolah Malaysia) RM2 dan insuran diri RM1.50," katanya katanya ketika ditemui selepas merasmikan Ekspo Pendidikan Terengganu 2007 di Pusat Dagangan Terengganu (TTC), di sini, semalam.
cilok & ciplak by radenjowo 0 comments
Malaysia: Penan headman missing, feared murdered
via: Scoop
A headman from the Penan tribe of Sarawak, Malaysia, has gone missing and his community fear he may have been murdered. Kelesau Naan was last seen on 23 October when he left on a hunting trip. After two months of searching for their leader, the Penan have reported his disappearance to the police.
The Penan have spent twenty years trying to keep logging companies off their land. Their plight deeply moved BBC presenter Bruce Parry when he visited them for his hit TV show Tribe.
The Penan fear that Kelesau Naan may have been murdered for his resistance to the logging. His community lies within a logging concession granted to Malaysian company Samling, and he was a leader in the Penan's struggle against the devastation of their land.
Before his disappearance Kelesau said, 'Defiance has proven its worth. We are glad that we didn't allow ourselves to be bought by the logging companies.'
Tensions between the logging companies and the Penan have intensified in recent months. In April and in August this year, security forces were called in to help dismantle Penan road blockades.
In the late 1990s when Samling was advancing on Kelesau's community, the Penan blocked the logging road, making human barricades in front of the company's bulldozers. The Malaysian army ended the blockade with force, injuring 14 and arresting four Penan. But the Penan kept up their opposition, and Samling moved on to log other areas. To stop the company returning, Kelesau and others initiated a major Penan land rights claim, which has been awaiting trial since 1998.
Survival's director Stephen Corry said today, 'Kelesau Naan may have paid the ultimate price for standing up for his people's rights to their land. It is time the Malaysian government recognised the Penan's land rights and ended the harassment of those who seek to defend these rights.'
cilok & ciplak by radenjowo 0 comments
Yuran sekolah - Kalau tidak wajib, kenapa perlu bayar ansuran
dipetik: penpasksgb
Oleh SM Noor
Kuala Terengganu – Rakyat masih tidak jelas dengan kenyataan Menteri Pendidikan, Hishamusin Hussein berhubung dengan isu pemansuhan yuran sekolah.
Kelmarin, Hishamudin mengulang kenyataan yang dibuat pada 18 November lalu iaitu selain dari yuran Bayaran tambahan yang dikenakan oleh pihak sekolah atau Persatuan Ibu Bapa dan Guru (PIGB) adalah tidak wajib dan bergantung kepada persetujuan ibu bapa pelajar.
Ustaz Wan Sukairi Wan Abdullah menyifatkan kenyataan Hishamudin sebagai kenyataan yang mengelirukan.
“Sekiranya tidak wajib mengapa ibu bapa perlu bayar ansuran? Mengapa pula perlu kepada kebenaran kerajaan” sangkal Ustaz Wan Sukairi selaku Setiausaha, Pertubuhan Pembangunan Insan Bestari Terengganu.
“Sekiranya ibu bapa perlu bayar ansuran, bermakna kementerian mewajibkan yuran-yuran tersebut”
Selaku penggerak kepada NGO yang bersifat pendidikan dan kemasyarakatan, beliau kesal dengan kenyataan ‘silap mata’ menteri tersebut. Menurut beliau seorang menteri sepatutnya arif didalam keadaan kehidupan rakyat.
“Dengan mengatakan ‘mustahil’ ada ibu bapa yang tidak mampu membayar, menunjukkan bahawa Hishamudin tidak mengetahui keadaan rakyat terutamanya di Terengganu” tambah Ustaz Wan Sukairi
“Pertubuhan Insan Bestari akan menunjukkan bukti dan menyenaraikan ibu bapa miskin di Terengganu, yang tidak mampu untuk membayar yuran tersebut, dan menyerahkannya kepada Menteri Pendidikan untuk diambil tindakan” jelas Ustaz Wan Sukairi
Sehubungan dengan itu, masyarakat pada umumnya tidak berpuas hati dengan penghapusan yuran yang hanya sekadar RM 4.50 bagi sekolah rendah dan RM 9.00 bagi sekolah menengah. Penghapusan itu terlalu kecil, sepatutnya kerajaan boleh menambah lebih peruntukan untuk ko-kurikulum dan yuran PIBG, supaya meringankan beban ibu bapa.
Ustaz Ismail Dagang, bekas Pengerusi PIBG Sekolah Kebangsaan Pulau Duyong disini, menyatakan, sepatutnya kerajaan, teutamanya kerajaan Terengganu mampu menambah peruntukan untuk ko-kurikulum dan PIBG.
“Kerajaan Terengganu membelanjakan RM300 juta untuk menganjurkan ‘Monsoon Cup’ kemudian dikatakan mendapat untung beratus juta, takkan nak mengagihkan sedikit subsidi untuk pendidikan tak mampu” jelas beliau.
Manakala Ustaz Ahmad Kamal Ali, Ketua Dewan Pemuda PAS Kuala Terengganu juga merasa kesal atas kenyataan Menteri Pendidikan yang tidak peka dengan masalah yang dihadapi oleh rakyat masakini.
Beliau menyatakan bahawa, rakyat bawahan kini terpaksa bertarung untuk hidup akibat kenaikan hampir semua harga barang keperluan.
“Ada diantara ibu bapa yang pusing kepala, menghadapi kenaikan barang-barang keperluan sekolah terutamanya dari golongan nelayan yang tidak mempunyai pendapatan pada musim tengkujuh seperti waktu ini“jelas beliau
“ Saya mempersilakan Menteri Pelajaran untuk datang ke Kuala Terengganu untuk melihat kesusahan kehidupan rakyat bawahan bukan hanya sekadar bercakap di Kuala Lumpur” tegas Ustaz Ahmad Kamal
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RM4 juta sambut Kuala Terengganu jadi bandar raya
KUALA TERENGGANU 20 Dis. – Kerajaan negeri memperuntukkan sebanyak RM4 juta bagi mengadakan majlis sambutan sempena pengisytiharan Kuala Terengganu sebagai bandar raya dan Tahun Melawat Terengganu (TMT) pada 1 Januari ini.
No2umnO - Kalau dibelanjakan untuk mangsa banjir, lebih baik.
Masyarakat India dapat perhatian kerajaan Johor
JOHOR BAHARU 20 Dis. – Kerajaan negeri Johor sentiasa mengambil berat keperluan kaum India di negeri itu dalam pelbagai bidang termasuk pendidikan, perumahan dan soal agama, kata Ketua MIC Negeri, Datuk K.S. Balakrishnan.
No2umnO - Ni semua jenis bidan terjun. Jangan tak der atau indah khabar dari rupa
Samy Vellu: Demonstrasi jejas kesetiaan masyarakat India
KUALA LUMPUR 20 Dis. – Presiden MIC, Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu malam ini mengakui demonstrasi jalanan yang dianjur sebuah perkumpulan haram baru-baru ini sedikit-sebanyak menjejaskan kesetiaan masyarakat India kepada kerajaan.
No2umnO - Samy tiba tiba bersuara, selepas hilang tanpa khabar. Setakat nak test market.
Sekutu Thaksin ditolak? -- Penasihat Bhumibol bayangkan istana tidak ‘restu’ penyokong bekas PM
BANGKOK 20 Dis. – Penasihat tertinggi Raja Bhumibol Adulyadej, Jeneral Prem Tinsulanonda hari ini membayangkan kemungkinan pihaknya menolak kemenangan sekutu bekas Perdana Menteri, Thaksin Shinawatra pada pilihan raya umum Ahad ini.
‘Syarikat perlu henti beli pesawat Eropah’
JAKARTA 20 Dis. – Menteri Pengangkutan hari ini mendesak syarikat penerbangan agar tidak membeli pesawat Eropah sebagai reaksi kepada Kesatuan Eropah (EU) yang mengharamkan penerbangan pesawat Indonesia.
Parti politik beli undi semurah RM20
AT SAMAT 20 Dis. – Berjuta-juta pengundi di Roi Et, wilayah miskin di timur laut Thailand dikatakan mampu menentukan pemenang pilihan raya Ahad ini dengan tawaran ‘beli undi’ semurah RM20.
cilok & ciplak by radenjowo 0 comments
Umi Azlim mangsa iklan Internet – Ibu
Umi Azlim mangsa iklan Internet – Ibu
GUANGZHOU 20 Dis. – Umi Azlim Mohamad Lazim yang dijatuhi hukuman mati kerana menyeludup dadah di selatan China, memberitahu ibu bapanya bahawa dia diumpan oleh iklan Internet yang menawarkan bayaran lumayan untuk menjadi penghantar barang. |more...|
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