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Oct 16, 2008

Laporan Polis terhadap TV3

Aku miss berita TV3 hari ini. Maklumlah, dah lama tak jengok saluran info tegar UMNO tu. Menurut kawan yang menonton, berita tersebut tentang pencerobohan tanah di Selangor. Ada pihak yang cuba mengaitkan EXCO negeri Selangor ... sedikit gua cilok lapuran dari internet.

limauice.blogspot.com | ... Todays news (TV3) was also vomit material. Isu pencerobohan tanah / hutan in Selangor. Land being developed in to houses, agriculture, bird houses... etc.

A pakcik claimed he had met Yaakob Sapari with the other penerokas and was promised the problem would be solved... to make it more dramatic... he CALLED Yaakob and we could hear him talking with Yaakob.

Whoa, this Exco must really be free... and this pakcik must seriously be some big shot, i mean... maybe he's royalty or a fucking billionaire investing in Selangor and Yaakob has saved this pakciks name in his hand phone and tagged as 'Bloody Important Pakcik'. The segment also interviewed a Chinese uncle in front of his house, uncle said he had bought the land for RM5000 and has lived there for 12 years.

Oh yeah, pakcik peneroka tadi lak... 7 tahun mengusahakan tanah tu. Owh... Pakatan Rakyat has been in power for? A few months. Get the pic? 'Pencerobohan Tanah Semakin Tak Terkawal' was the title... indicating maybe that somehow... at one point of time everybody picked up a new hobby... MENCEROBOH TANAH conveniently when Pakatan Rakyat took over? Wtf. Wartawan2 TV3 ni bodoh ke hape. Pengarah Jabatan Hutan confirmed that the land was trespassed. Confirm je ke? lain tak wat ke? Ke dapat arahan dari org lain, suh bia and jadikan isu? Banyak sangat anjing sekarang ni, tak terkawal....selanjutnya.
Berikutan itu ... tindakan susulan akan dibuat oleh EXCO berkenaan.
Pada hari ini. Khamis 16/10/2008, bertempat di Balai Polis Seksyen 11 Shah Alam, jam 10.00 pagi. YB Yaakob Sapari akan membuat lapuran polis berikutan putarbelit TV3 tentang kes pencerobohan tanah dan penebangan hutan di Kuala Selangor.
Kalau merujuk berita hari ke 2 melalui Buletin Utama jam 8.00 malam, SAH!!! ... dengan niat ... pakcik itu memasang 'loud speaker' taliponnya ketika menghubungi YB Yaakob Sapari dan perbualan itu di rakam oleh berita TV3.

Mungkin sudah sampai masanya YB Yaakob kena TEGAS SIKIT !!!


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