zorro - unmasked
But just as scary are phantom votes that will be bussed into critical constituencies. The EC has been cheating us blind all these years. Until the 2004 election our ballot paper carried some notification. They know who we vote for and they know who have not registered or have never voted. These are moved away from Opposition seats to places they have never lived in. but we have to take the game to them. Make that effort to go to where they have sent you and vote opposition. Rocky was down to vote in Gopeng a far cry from Puchong. He is travelling to Gopeng to vote although he had already made a police report. However the most scary are the risen ones....those resurrected by Rashid. when push comes to shove the dead will decide wheter BN lives or dies. TV Smith, ever the satirist has an interesting take here on the Dead Voters' Society's. more...
57 minutes ago
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