No2umnO - Usaha mewajibkan Zakat kepada rakyat telah dimulakan oleh Kerajaan Kedah selepas kemenangan pada PRU12. Kerajaan Pusat dapat menghidu taktik ini. Dan sekarang kakitangan kerajaan secara otomatik telah di potong dari slip pendapatan tanpa dimaklumkan terlebih dahulu kepada kakitangan. Kalau anda tidak percaya, tanya guru guru dan kakitangan kerajaan. Pemotongan gaji bermula pada bulan Mac lepas. Sesiapa yang mendapat tunggakan akibat kenaikan pangkat turut di potong gaji mengikut tunggakan yang mereka perolehi. Manakala sebelum ini ramai kakitangan yang dikatakan 'belum layak' untuk di potong gaji.niamah - [...] Why do this? Well, when you pay to the IRD, the money goes to the Federal Government and Umno will use the money. But when you pay zakat the state gets to keep the money and in the five Pakatan Rakyat states for sure Umno will not be able to get its hands on the money.
Think about it. Zakat is mandatory under Islam. So you will be fulfilling your Islamic duty plus you will be helping the five Pakatan Rakyat states plus you will be denying Umno that money. That’s killing three birds with one stone.
Okay, zakat is only 2.5% of your wealth (zakat harta) or income (zakat pendapatan) while income tax is higher. So, pay the higher figure. After all, you will have to pay it anyway whether you pay zakat or income tax. And imagine how many poor and destitute people, the homeless, students who need financial aid or scholarships, orphans, single mothers, old folks who can’t work, handicapped people, etc., can be helped with this zakat money."
Isn't that like a stroke of genius? I think our Muslim Malaysian brethren should seriously think about it. In fact, if there was something like this for Christians I'd switch over instantly. Up until the time I read this RPK post I only had one genius in my circle of friends. Now I have 2. Well, sort of friend la since I have never met RPK in person. Damn good la. Tabik, sir.... selanjutnya.
55 minutes ago
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