Raja Petra Kamarudin
malaysiatoday - [...] What is Islam? Is Islam just about rituals? What would rituals be without akidah? And what is the foundation of Islam? The foundation of Islam is justice. Islam is all about justice and nothing but justice. Without justice there would be no Islam. Muslims talk about the syariah and about the hudud legal system. Is not the syariah and hudud about justice? Are Muslims not taught that they must subscribe to the syariah and hudud because these are God’s laws and God deals with justice?
You just can’t separate justice from Islam. Without justice there would be no Islam. Islam would not exist without justice. Islam, with mere rituals minus the justice, would not be Islam. Saddam Hussein performed the rituals of Islam. But Saddam was not just. So Saddam was ousted and hanged by the neck until he died because he just performed the rituals of Islam minus the justice that Islam makes mandatory. Justice, justice, justice. That is what Islam decrees. And a ‘good’ Muslim who performs the rituals of Islam but is not just is put to death. That is Islam and that is how Islam dispenses justice.
ABIM says we should not whack the Muslims. And since, by law, Malays are Muslims then we should not whack the Malays as well. But is it okay for Malays to whack the non-Malays and non-Muslims?
What if the non-Muslims were to say they do not recognise Islam or the Quran because Islam and the Quran have been distorted over the last 1,400 years? What if the non-Muslims were to say that Islam and the Quran have been changed and are no longer the original Islam and Quran that Prophet Muhammad introduced 1,400 years ago? If the non-Muslims say this then they would be committing a crime under the Sedition Act. The non-Muslims would face punishment because they are not sensitive to the feelings of the Muslims.
But Muslims are permitted to say they do not recognise Christianity and the Bible because Christianity and the Bible have changed and have been distorted over the last 2,000 years and are no longer the original Christianity and Bible which Jesus introduced 2,000 years ago. Muslims can openly say this in the Friday prayer sermons and it is not seditious, even if this is not sensitive to the feelings of the Christians.
And why can Muslims say this but Christians can’t? Because Islam is the official religion of Malaysia and Christianity is ‘tolerated’ as long as it stays out of the way of Islam.... selanjutnya.
58 minutes ago
RPK ni konfius antara Islam dan penganut agama Islam. Dia lebih banyak bikin alasan bagi orang kafir bantai orang Islam. Supaya nanti dia kelihatan seperti hero yang memartabatkan Justice/Keadilan di kalangan semua orang.
Dia ambil contoh Saddam, yang ramai ulamak kata kafir - tapi RPK kata Saddam contoh Islam yang tak adil, yg digantung sampai mati sebab Saddam contoh Islam yang tak adil?
RPK sengaja putar @ spin cerita orang Islam tidak berlaku adil terhadap org Kristian kerna tidak prihatin terhadap perasaan orang Kristian bila mengatakan Injil sudah tak ori. Bukan org Islam saja yg kata gitu, malahan pengkaji Kristian sendiri pun meragui Injil yg ada sekarang. Jadi apa tujuan RPK yg merapu tak semena-mena tu? Apa motif sebenar RPK ...
Wak sepatutnya melabelkan isu ini di bawah tajuk baru : "RPK & Kristianisasi" barulah nampak adil !
Apa kata wak?
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