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Jul 29, 2008

Press Conference by President of Malaysian Bar on Saiful's Medical Report

Ambiga Sreenevasandamianslyeo | ...Very troubling reports have been published, which reveal the existence of a medical report of an examination done by a doctor on Mohd Saiful Bukhari bin Azlan a few hours before Saiful lodged a police report that he had been sodomised. The medical report apparently shows that there is no evidence that he had been sodomised by anyone.

Such reports raise some very serious questions that require immediate answers:

(1) Are the police in possession of such a medical report?

(2) Was the doctor concerned interviewed by the police and was he detained for any length of time?

(3) Is the doctor concerned facing any form of intimidation and if so, by whom?

(4) Is there a medical report by another doctor that either confirms or contradicts the first medical report?
(5) If it is true that the medical report exists showing a lack of prima facie evidence, what then could have been the justification for the vigorous actions taken against Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim as well as the public call by the authorities for his DNA sample?... selanjutnya.


Anonymous said...

rakyat undi menteri2 tu sebagai wakil kepada rakyat..tapi bila mereka kat atas,mereka diberi kuasa,mereka jadi kebal,jadi samseng...takutnya jadi rakyat Malaysia,jika kita terlibat kemalangan dgn anak2 @ kroni2 mereka,bagaimana nasib kita sebagai org kerdil,apakah kita boleh mendapat keadilan yang sepatutnya?.patutlah pelabur pun lari.Malaysia bukan lagi negara yang selamat.

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