|...| Many parents had complained about the imposition of additional fees in certain schools since the start of the new academic term on Thursday, with some claiming that the sum could reach above RM100 or RM200.
This was despite the Government's announcement that it would scrap school fees beginning this year.
However, Hishammuddin said that the ministry had no plans to streamline the payment of these additional fees because there were some parents who actually wished to contribute to the schools.
“Some of them may be millionaires and can afford to give the sum or in fact, more than what the schools ask for. We don't want to hinder them.
“But those who really cannot afford to do so, can ask for this sum back,” he said.
Well Dear Education Minister, FYI those parents who are millionaires or privileged like yourself, have probably sent their children to private schools or overseas!! Even if there are a few out there amongst our public school parents who are wealthy, they form the minority.
Lets see, my daughter's school has charged the following:-A. Pakej Bayaran Tambahan(Mandatory Additional charges) ref. KPM Bil.31/2007
1. Kokurikulum (Co-curiculum) RM 10.00
2. Kertas Ujian Dalaman(Internal exam papers) RM 20.00
3. Sukan Tahunan Sekolah(School Sports Day) RM 10.00
4. Kegiatan Pendidikan Islam/Moral(Islamic/Moral Activities) RM 10.00
5. Skim Perlindungan Diri(Insurance Scheme) RM 1.50
6. MSSM(Sports Association of Malaysia if am not mistaken) RM 4.00
Jumlah/Total RM 55.50
B. Bayaran2 Lain Wajib(Mandatory Other Charges)
1. Deposit Kunci Loker(Locker Key deposit) RM 10.00
2. Sumbangan PIBG( PTA contribution) each family RM 30.00
3. Yuran Komputer(Computer fees) RM 10.00
4. Majallah Sekolah(School Magazine) RM 12.00
Jumlah/Total RM 62.00
5 hours ago
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