theStar - [...] he Government spent a whopping RM2.21bil on Information and Communications Technology (ICT) equipment in 2003 to implement the policy of teaching Mathematics and Science in English, said Deputy Education Minister Datuk Razali Ismail.
He said another RM2.4mil was also spent in buying software, RM317mil to train the teachers and RM638mil as subject incentives.
He also told the House that the ministry was conducting the analysis for the first phase of 2008 on the policy, and the findings would be out next month.
Puspakom deal extended
Meanwhile, the Transport Ministry had renewed its contract with Puspakom and extended the concessionaire period for another 15 years.
Minister Datuk Ong Tee Keat said the contract, which was signed in 1994, expires next year but the Government had decided to extend it for another 15 years.
The renewal was made on Feb 14 last year between the ministry, Economy Planning Unit and Puspakom.
“Last year, the Road and Transport Department made 192 inspections in all Puspakom workshops throughout the country, instead of the required 384 inspections due to lack of manpower....selanjutnya [KLIK DI SINI]
50 minutes ago
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