MCA division traces 496 'phantoms' [sun2surf]
State govt wants detention centre moved out of Perak [sun2surf]
Anwar to contest in by-election soon [sun2surf]
Fuel price hike: State to revise rates [nst]
Fuel price hike: Demo at bus terminal [nst]
Fuel price hike: Now accountant wants to hike fees [nst]
Like a virgin... again [nst]
Gerakan man turns down Pakatan offer to join panel [nst]
Students lodge police reports over MCA phantom members [nst]
Forest Reserves: Gone in five years [nst] must read !!!
Gaji bukan punca rasuah [bharian]
Kes salah guna kuasa disiasat [bharian]
Kadar baru tol diumum selepas kajian terperinci [bharian]
Pengusaha bas mini tak dapat 'fleet card' [bharian]
'Kenaikan harga minyak rahmat bagi alam sekitar' [bharian]
Anwar pertikai minyak naik harga [bharian]
Rebat tunai tidak dikurangkan walaupun harga minyak meningkat [bharian]
Cops: Selangor crime rate to increase by 5% [theStar]
Khalid: Panel to get to the bottom of alleged misconduct [theStar]
Raise fares and risk losing licence, warns CVLB [theStar]
Abolish import tax on buses, urges group [thestar]
Lorrymen: Give us more diesel subsidy and we’ll lower fees [theStar]
Cuepacs: Cut down on functions [theStar]
Dumpling sellers cautious about raising prices [theStar]
Lorry, crane operators up rates by as much as 45% [theStar]
Tambang bas sehala JB-KL naik hingga RM60 [utusmeloya]
MTUC tuntut COLA RM300 sebulan [utumeloya]
LPKP tiada kuasa [utusmeloya]
Harapan Shahrir [utusmeloya]
Kenaikan harga minyak tidak jejas peneroka [utusmeloya]
Pengusaha lori Lembah Klang naik sewa 40% [utusmeloya]
Pas syor elaun menteri dipotong [utusmeloya]
Ayam dijual melebihi harga siling [kosmo]
Amaran LPKP diperlekeh [kosmo]
Tambang bulanan bas sekolah naik RM5 [kosmo].
Syarikat bas dakwa tiada 'fleet card' [kosmo]
Minyak naik, barang naik? [kosmo]
3 hours ago
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