Rockybry - [..] Updated at 3.30 pm, 28.6.08
To read the lawyer's letter in full, click here.
Original posting:
Lieutenant Colonel Aziz Buyong, described by Raja Petra Kamaruddin in his 18/6/08. Statutory Declaration as "a C4 expert", has filed a defamation suit against the Malaysia Today editor.
The Army officer is one of three individuals (other than the two cops who have been charged for Altantuya Sharibuu's murder) whom RPK swore were present when the Mongolian was blown up with C4 explosives.
In the SD, RPK said he had been "reliably informed" that Rosmah, the DPM's wife, and Aziz Buyong's own wife, an officer attached to Rosmah, were also at the murder scene.... selanjutnya.
7 hours ago
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