malaysianwaves | I had a very interesting conversation with a Pakatan Rakyat activist friend of mine from Hulu Langat. He has taught me something that many had overlooked.
The Pakatan Rakyat’s Selangor government had passed a policy stating that politicians are not to be member to tender committee in every level of government in Selangor. This is meant to curb corruption that has existed since the BN time.
It was perceived that when politicians sits in the tender committees they tend to influence decisions and thus always end up awarding contracts to cronies.
The policy is passed with the intention to curb such practice. The downside to this practice is the assumption that all government employee are also clean from corruption. Since politicians are barred from becoming members of the tender committees, only government officials are allowed to sit in it. Unfortunately, the current crop of government employees that Selangor has are remnants from the BN days. They too benefited from the corrupt practices of UMNO and thus their decisions even today follow along the lines of what they were used to.
In other words, contracts and projects are still being awarded to UMNO cronies and UMNO machinery by the current crop of government employees whom have been passing projects to these people all the while. As a result, the UMNO rank and file are still siphoning money from the Pakatan Rakyat state government to oil the political machinery at the grassroot levels.... selanjutnya.
9 minutes ago
"Unfortunately, the current crop of government employees that Selangor has are remnants from the BN days"
Betullah tu. Jadi apa choice kerajaan PR selangor dapat buat? Takkan nak pecat semua mereka ynag disyaki terlibat. Kalau buat begitu nanti dituduh kejam pulak. Cuma aku rasa mulai sekarang kerajaan baru Selqngor akan lebih teliti memantau kegiatan-kegiatan seumpama ini dari berlaku. Atau melakukan rombakan jawatan dan bahagian kepada mereka ynag disyaki terlibat. Alah.. leave it to them to governlah. Kalau ini tak percaya, itu tak percaya susahlah macam gitu. At least I believe this new Selangor Government is many many times better than it was before masa under Si Toyol tu.
kena siasat kepala kepala nya dulu..lepas tu gantikan yang baru dan buat budaya baru.
Tapi jangan cakap je. Dari dulu cerita rasuah, tapi sampai sekarang tak sorang pun yang di ambil tindakan. Samaada buang atau hukum.
Kalau undang undang tiada di pihak kerajaan baru, buat siastan sendiri dan tukarkan pada orang yang layak....Tapi cakap je. Buat tak.
Tanya MB Selangor tu.
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