malaysiakini - [...] Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang, Lim Guan Eng mengesahkan bahawa seorang pemimpin veteran Umno telah menerima tawaran untuk berkhidmat dengan kerajaan negeri.
Beliau berkata pemimpin itu menerima tawaran tersebut setelah meletak jawatannya dalam Umno.
"Kami menawarkan beliau untuk menyertai kami dalam kerajaan negeri demi kepentingan rakyat negeri ini.
"Saya akan membuat pengumuman rasmi berkenaan perkara itu dan akan memberitahu nama pemimpin itu pada masa yang sesuai nanti," katanya kepada pemberita selepas majlis pembukaan pusat khidmat DAP Perai hari ini.
Menurut laporan Bernama, Lim berkata surat pelantikan telah diserahkan kepada pemimpin itu. ... seterusnya [DISINI]
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the-malaysian - [...] He said the Umno veteran accepted the offer after he resigned from his post in Umno.
"We offered him to join the state government in the interest of the people.
"I will make an official announcement on this and will reveal the name of the Umno veteran at a suitable time," he told reporters after opening the Perai DAP service centre here.
Lim said the appointment letter had been forwarded to the Umno veteran who would join the state government soon, but he declined to disclose the post.
Asked whether there would a difference in the state administration after this, he said: "This is only the beginning.
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1 hour ago
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