NST - [...] Raja Nazrin Shah, who is chairman of the council, said mosques and surau in the state should follow the examples of the Masjidil Haram in Mecca and the Prophet's Mosque in Medina where Muslims of various races, cultures, languages, nationalities and schools of thoughts were united in the worship of their creator.
"It is the wish of His Royal Highness Sultan Azlan Shah, the Ruler of Perak, that mosques and surau in the state follow the examples of these two grand mosques where any Muslim can pray in peace," he said at the opening of the 161st conference of the council at the Kompleks Islam Darul Ridzuan here yesterday.
He said mosques and surau, besides educational institutions and schools, were important centres for the propagation of human values for the good of mankind.
Raja Nazrin Shah said the role of the mosques and surau in this respect was important because these institutions could help develop future leaders who would care for nature and their fellow human beings.>> selanjutnya
57 minutes ago
Raja Nazrin yg memang dikenali seorang PAT [Penagih Arak Tegar] tetiba merasa terpanggil untuk menjengah apa yg dibicarakan dalam surau dan mesjid. Apa motif ya? Kalau sekadar nak tunjuk bahwa Istana tidak berpihak kepada PR atau BN, kenapa tidak ada seruan yg sama tatkala BN memerintah?
Tapi, hanya sekarang tetiba PAT Raja Nazrin tersedar dari lamunan dan botol-botol mula berbicara.. bila mendapati tiang seri istana goyah dibaham anai-anai rakyat.
Gaya hidup bangsawan yang PAT Raja Nazrin lalui, tidak memungkinkannya memahami kesusahan hidup rakyat marhaen sejak harga barang-barong meloncat dengan paradigma PakLah yg mengamalkan politik Chaos utk mengabui rakyat.
Datuk Seri Raja Elena, dinda PAT adalah seorang bilionaire ... bila lah agak2nya rakyat Perak dapat merasa sedikit habuan dari pengkropatan istana Perak melalui BN/UMNO sejak 5 dekad lalu?
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