Phantom Voters - Plentiful
Many Malaysians may not know that Uniformed servicemen such as police, army, navy and air force personnels may be made to vote twice at different places and different state; probably one at their current workplace/residence and another time at their home town or birth place. It is possible that one of the location would be by postal voted and at another place he will be in person.
I read this news at caffeinbar, and then at Flaccid Mind, which provides another link at Taraknama.
We have two examples here below:I.D: T715511
Nama: Amran B. Zainuddin
Tarikh Lahir: 04 Jan 1967
Jantina: Lelaki
Lokaliti: TUDM B’Worth
Daerah Mengundi: Jalan Mesjid
Dun: Telok Ayer Tawar
Parlimen: Tasek Glugor
Negeri: Pulau Pinang
Polling Center: Pos
Serial No: 363I.D: 670104075529 / A0624038
Nama: Amran B. Zainuddin
Tarikh Lahir: 04 Jan 1967
Jantina: Lelaki
Lokaliti: Jln Tok Muda Hj Mohamad
Daerah Mengundi: Pekan Karak
Dun: Sabai
Parlimen: Bentong
Negeri: Pahang
Polling Center: Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan, Karak
Serial No: 864
So, En Amran will cast his votes in Telok Ayer Tawar (DUN) and Tasek Glugor (Parliament), Penang by post and he personally will go back to vote at Sabai (DUN) and Bentong (Parliament), PahangI.D: T719756
Nama: Hazely Razin Bin Yaakub
Tarikh Lahir: 09 Sep 1975
Jantina: Lelaki
Lokaliti: TUDM B’Worth
Daerah Mengundi: Jalan Mesjid
Dun: Telok Ayer Tawar
Parlimen: Tasek Glugor
Negeri: Pulau Pinang
Polling Center: Pos
Serial No: 1019I.D: 750909035727 / A3170255
Nama: Hazely Razin Bin Yaakub
Tarikh Lahir: 09 Sep 1975
Jantina: Lelaki
Lokaliti: Kg. Bharu
Daerah Mengundi: Kampung Bharu Sungai
Dun: Pasir Pekan
Parlimen: Tumpat
Negeri: Kelantan
Polling Center: Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Mahmud Mayidin,
Serial No: 1032So, its the same for En Hazely who will having to use postal votes at Telok Ayer Tawar (DUN) and Tasek Glugor (Parliament), Penang and he personally goes back to Kelantan to vote at Pasir Pekan (DUN) and Tumpat (Parliament), Kelantan.
If MAFREL and the opposition parties would get a list of all the army, navy and armed forces personnels and their ID numbers, including the police, Rela, government servants and must include all UMNO, MCA, MIC, Gerakan and PPP members, we can run through a thorough check to discover the amount of phantom voters.
Double voting; that's why they win big and win all the time!
I hope those Election Watch organizations and NGOs would scrutinize the voters list at SPR. Maybe, the Agong may need to step in and get the SPR to be audited.In fact, I too run a check on the two persons above, each twice using their Tentera ID and also using their NRD ID to confirm that such double voting exists.
You too can check it at
Note: The last of two pictures of the six is captured in 2007 whereas the above four are captured today.
1 minute ago
kalau nak best lagi, cari askar wataniah (sukarela) dan check no askar mereka. no wataniah selalunya sama dengan i/c no lama orang lain!
In Amran's case, they are (2) two totally different individuals with exact Name. To proved that, Amran the Army was born in 1st April and Amran the civilian was born in 4th of January.
In Hazley's case is rare and very unique where their name and birth of date are exactly the same BUT they are both totally DIFFERENT individuals.
So, anyone can reveal any other phantom voter like Hazley?
Mengikut prosedur yang biasa diorang buat masa daftar khidmat askar baru, turun je 10 cap jari IC lama (cth: 681103-75-0027(1))
kena pulang balik ke JPN dan dihapuskan. (1) tu merujuk salinan pertama IC. Kalau ilang dan buat baru no ni akan jadi (2) untuk salinan kedua, (3) untuk salinan ketiga dan seterusnya.
Lepas tu JPN akan kuarkan IC baru iaitu a.k.a IC tentera untuk gantikan IC lama yang dah dihapuskan tadi.
So, bila askar tadi dah pencen atau berhenti dari berkhidmat.. IC tentera akan diamik balik dan JPN akan kuarkan semula IC biasa kat askar pencen tu (cth: 681103-75-0027(2)).
Jadi, boleh ke ada 2 IC dalam satu masa?
Eden udah pencen askhar tahun 2000. Dalam ic den ado tigo nombor. Ic sobolum msk asokar, ic tontoro, ic solopeh tontoro. Ado tigooooo den!! muekekekeke
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