Ini surat yang dimaksudkan -dan ini pula alasan yang Chedet bagi....
"Letter" to Prime Minister of Israel
1. There is a letter being circulated purporting to be from me when I was Prime Minister, to Ehud Barak, Prime Minister of Israel congratulating him on his appointment and requesting for the “Clinton Fund”, for “the purpose of withstanding the onslaught of Islamic Fundamentalist in Malaysia”.
2. This letter is not from me or from my office. Firstly, the font used is not the same as the type in all my letters from the Prime Minister’s office.
3. The Malaysian Coat of Arms at the top is not similar to the one on all my letters from the Prime Minister’s office.
4. The address at the side of the Coat of Arms is not the same as on my official paper. Often no address is printed, only “Prime Minister Malaysia” on the top right-hand corner.
5. The contents of the letter is totally different from the one I sent to Ehud Barak. Unfortunately, the Government of Abdullah Ahmad Badawi refuses permission to reproduce my letters to Israeli Prime Ministers condemning them for their oppression of the Palestinians. This action by the Abdullah Government will lend credence to the letter that is being circulated.
6. I deny categorically that the letter which is being circulated with annotation “Sumbangan kakitangan JPM untuk Rakyat Malaysia” originated from me. This is the kind of dirty tricks that my detractors have to resort to because they have found nothing to blacken my name with.
itulah taktik kotor DSAI dan para penyokong dia.
sanggup buat apa saja, asalkan dapat pengaruh rakyat utk benci Tun.
Kita telah dihidangkan dgn berbagai keterangan mengenai penipuan,penyelewingan,ole para pemimpin,tapi apa tindakan yg dapat kita lakukan,cukup kah dengan pendedahan,report,atau sekadar perbincangan.
TS Khalid dlm Persidangan DUN juga bercakap nada yg sama.
Sekarang kita kena fikirkan,apa yg bole kita lakukan bagi membenteras gejala ini dari terus berlaku.
Jika tidak lebe baik Tido dari bercakap sia sia.
wak ... jangan wak turut subhat dlm memfitnah Dr M.
wak guna kata 'alasan' tu dah ada konotasi yg negatip terhadap
keterangan Dr M.
jangan wak kumpul dosa free wak.
Dosa....tanya mahathir apa dosa dia.
Belasah je wak. Kalau tak nak dosa, buat tajuk pun kena gi Jakim, minta tanda halal.
wak .. gua cakap pasal dosa lu bila fitnah mahathir
bukan pasal mahathir fitnah sama lu !
Lu citer pasal dosa Gua, Gua cerita pasal dosa Mahathir what's the big deal....
OK! OK! Stop,both of U menang,teman bagi hadiah Masjid Negara,.
Lps ni both of U ,jage le Masjid tu,keluarkan Khutbah yg lebe bermutu isi penghayatanya,utk Kita ambil aktibar dan pengajaranya.
OK le tu,be happy.
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