RPK Released After 2-hour Questioning....
Nursamad - Raja Petra Kamaruddin was released after he was questioned for two hours (from 4pm) by police at the Commercial Crime Division at Jalan Dato Onn, Kuala Lumpur.
Wearing a yellow t-shirt and a pair of jeans, a smiling RPK told waiting reporters and bloggers that he was being investigated under Section 4C of the Sedition Act for his article "Let's Send The Altantuya's Murderers To Hell" in Malaysia Today.
"For two hours, they tried to persuade me to make a statement, I refused to answer any question or have my statement taken. They threatened to charge me for refusing to make a statement. I told them to go ahead and arrest me or release me right now. And I told them that if they let me walk out of here, I don't want to see their faces again. Don't disturb me anymore. I gave them two choices, arrest me now or let me go." more...
While updated by Rocky Bru ...
RPK's breakfast (uninvited) guests
RPK, who runs the Malaysia Today on-line, said the Commercial Crime Division of Bukit Aman had asked him to make a statement with regards to his posting headlined "Let's send Altantuya murderers to Hell".
He refused to make that statement, of course.
The cops gave up (for now, at least) after two hours.
RPK was accompanied by his lawyer, YB William Leong, the MP of Selayang. more...
8 hours ago
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