Malaysia Today
malaysiatoday - [...] The police has to prove that Raja Petra has control over Malaysia Today. Raja Petra does not have to prove anything. But Malaysia Today is not registered in his name plus he does not have access to Malaysia Today. So they can’t prove he has control over Malaysia Today. In fact, it appears like others have control over Malaysia Today. Then the police has to prove that Raja Petra wrote the article Let’s send the Altantuya murderers to hell, which is the brunt of the sedition charge against him. But the police also can’t do that because there is no evidence Raja Petra wrote that article in the computers that they confiscated.
Raja Petra, in his normal devious self, is running rings around the police and AG. He knows they have to prove he wrote the article and that he has control over the publishing of the article and that Malaysia Today belongs to him. But they can’t do that on all three counts. And, when summoned to Bukit Aman for his statement to be recorded under Section 112, he refused to make any statement. So, not only have they not been able to prove anything but Raja Petra has neither admitted nor denied anything since he said absolutely nothing -- the first time in history, according to the police, such a thing has happened.
Meanwhile, as the police and AG run around like a blue-arse fly flying around shit in their attempt at trying to pin Raja Petra down, he is preparing his next salvo against Deputy Prime Minister Rosmah Mansor who wants to see him spend the rest of his life in jail. Yes, Najib Tun Razak, Rosmah’s nominee, is going to challenge Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi for the Umno Presidency. His running mate for number two is Muhyiddin Yassin while Ali Rustam, Shafiee Afdal and Rahim Thambi Chik are going for the three vice-presidents posts and Mukhriz Mahathir will take on Hishammuddin Hussein for the Umno Youth Leader’s post -- a classic Rouges’ Gallery if ever we did see one.... selanjutnya.
47 minutes ago
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