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Mar 1, 2008

The oldest person & voter in the world

The oldest person & voter in the world: NORAINI B ABU SAMAD (IC: 800311086231)


And some of you thought this was just a joke from the PAS folks who got high from sniffing a bit too much camel dung. But it's true. The oldest living person in the world is INDEED in Malaysia. It's 128 year old Noraini Abu Samad. And the old girl is going to be voting too. How much do you want to bet that she'll vote for BN?

Read more on BN's army of 100+ year old voters in my previous blogpost: Lazy police and too many old farts, Malaysia Today forums (very good, lots of actual examples) and Malaysiakini.

And while we're picking on the Election Commission and their adulterated electoral roll, here's an example of a someone doing a Jesus Christ, reverse-Michael Jackson (ie. 'dead to alive' and 'white to black') AND sex change... simultaneously. OK, half a sex change. Jantina is still "L" but his new name is ... A/P ... ("anak perempuan"). And you know what, I bet he/she votes for BN too. Pictures from Malaysia Today forums.


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