bigdogdotcom - Recently, Government announced that the pay out subsidy for private cars below 2000cc, SUVs below 2500cc and motorcycles below 250cc be made on cash, via all the post offices in the country.
RM billions have been put aside for this exercise, meant to alleviate the burden of the much thought to be a ‘Flip-Flop’ decision of the exorbitant increase in retail price of petrol and diesel two weeks ago. The exercise was said to be decided by the ‘Cabinet technocrats’ Second Finance Minister Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yackop, Minister in the PM’s Department (in charge of EPU) Dato’ Amirsham Aziz and Agriculture and Agrobase Industry Minister Dato’ Mustapha Mohamad (from his NEAC experience), in a discussion meant to address the issue of IPPs and the affect on electricity tariffs. Eventually, someone proposed to unlift all subsidies on retail petrol and diesel eventually and pushed for PM ‘Flip-Flop’ Dato’ Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to announce hastily.
Maybe the public is not aware who are the shareholders of Pos Malaysia Services Holdings Bhd., the wholly own parent company of Pos Malaysia which has been given the authority and funds to channel these monies.... selanjutnya.
1 minute ago
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