Democratic Socialist Perspective
PO Box 515, Broadway, NSW Australia 2007
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January 9, 2008
To the comrades of the Socialist Party of Malaysia (PSM)
Dear comrades,
On behalf of the Democratic Socialist Perspective of Australia I am writing to offer our solidarity for your current struggle to defend basic democratic rights in Malaysia.
The DSP condemns the violence and injustices perpetrated by the Barisan Nasional government on the courageous protesters in November, December and this month, and stands 100% in solidarity with your efforts to resist the government’s fear campaign and to ensure that Malaysia’s working class and oppressed are free to express, and win, their demands for a better life.
In every capitalist country around the world, the ruling class is attempting to grind basic democratic rights under the heel of neo-liberalism and the so-called “war on terrorism”. Your struggle to defend the Malaysian people’s rights to freedom of speech and peaceful assembly is an important part of the global struggle to resist and turn back this assault, and on January 26th we will be with you in spirit and wishing you success.
Please keep us informed about your campaign, and send us email addresses and telephone numbers that we can drown with protest messages should the government crackdown on the PSM and other protesters continue.
Your struggle is our struggle.
For peace, justice and socialism.
In solidarity,
Peter Boyle
DSP National Secretary
16 minutes ago
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